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        金宝莱陶瓷有限公司2009年斥资兴建现代化厂房, 逐步建成车间、厂房、营销大楼、员工宿舍楼等,将工厂规模规范化、现化化。为了提升产品质量产量, 公司斥资建成宽断面隧道窑。 在经济全球化的潮流中, 面对新的历史时期, 机遇和挑战并存, 我们始终如一 , 坚持以人为本, 顾客至上的服务理念, 始终把顾客的利益放在前一位。

        为此,不断开发新产品,提高制造工艺,尊崇美学、人体工程学、结构力学等设计原理, 确保产品的人文设计, 致力于让每个消费者享受到更舒适更健康的卫浴生活。

        金宝陶瓷取得的丰硕的成绩,展现出金宝陶瓷全体员工精诚合作、奋力拼搏进取的良好面貌。 金宝陶瓷全体员工艰苦奋斗、 勇于拼博的优良作风,不断开拓进取,将企业建设成为一个全面发展的现代化大企业, 更好的服务于新老客户。以客户为中心,以人为本,共创双赢,为了将金宝陶瓷打造成为中国建材家居行业的高性价比的卫浴品牌, 我们坚持不懈,努力奋斗。

JINBAOLAl ceramics co., LTD., in2009 for the construction of modern workshop, gradually built workshop, workshop building, marketins, staff dormitory building, etc. the plant size normalization, now. ln order to improve the quality of the products production, the company built for large cross section tunnel kiln. In the trend of economic globalization, facing the new historical per1od, opportunities and challenges, we always adhere to the people_oriented, customer first service philosophy, alwaystake customer's interests.

First, constantly develop new products, improve the manufacturing process, exalt aesthetics, human body engineering, structural mechanics, such as design principle, ensure that the product of human design, is committed to let every consumer to enjoy more comfortable and healthy bath life.

JINBAOLA ceramics has achieved fruitful results, showing JINBAOLA ceramic all staffsincere cooperation, work hard enterprising good appearance. JINBAOLA ceramic laying growth platform for the employees, the arduous struggle, and struggle of sood style, continuously forge ahead, will become a comprehensive construction enterprise development of the modernization of large enterprises, to better serve the new and old customers. Take the customer as the center, people_oriented, create a win_win situation, in order to establish JINBAOLA ceramics as China's construction industry, household cost_effective brand of sanitary ware, we persevere, work hard.